Planning Information
As planning application comes into the Parish, we will post details in this section.
- If the application is still undecided, it will appear in the Open Section.
- If it has been decided or withdrawn, it will appear in the Decided Section.
Please be aware that the Parish Council can not decide applications, that is the responsibility of Wiltshire Council and there will be times that Wiltshire Council will not decide the same way as we may, or you may, like.
Once a decision is made, we cannot challenge that decision, only an applicant may challenge a decision though the Planning Inspectorate.
The Planning Committee of the Parish Council has very limited delegated authority to make consultation responses on behalf of the council and they are laid out in our Planning Committee Terms of Reference, and all other final decisions on Consultation Responses will be made by the full council.
Even with delegated powers, if it is thought that the application has significant public interest or is not a straightforward application, it will be referred to the full council.
Any application made for land or property belonging to a member of the Parish Council or their family will automatically be referred to the full council